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Weekly theme


February 28th - March 7th
173 photos from 68 users

This week capture symmetry in your photos. A treat for all you perfectionists here. Good luck!

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: signs of spring.
Day 1,953
steel bridge again
Day 1,952
on the pier in the morning #theme-symmetry
Day 1,921
into the light
The world from the point of view of #little-beetle #theme-symmetry
Day 1,544
Tintin en the weekly theme Nr. 133. les Dupondt dans "L'or noir" the difference between the two is made by observing their mustaches ... #theme-symmet...
Day 1,500
Kawa na dziś
Day 1,499
Książka na dziś
do obejrzenia reszty zdjęć zapraszam tutaj : #theme-symmetry
Day 2,336
Dumb & dumber
#theme-symmetry, I guess.
Day 2,338
Day 1,502
Pomarańczowa symetria
do obejrzenia reszty zdjęć zapraszam tutaj : #theme-symmetry
Day 1,676
To wycinek wystawy Kształt piękna w Palmiarni w Wałbrzychu. Fotografie Joanny Watały, a do tego florystyczne kompozycje słuchaczy i absolwentó...
Day 1,158
Gdzieś w zatrzymaniu, tradycyjnie w środę, wspinając się na szczyt swoich możliwości 😃 tzn.pracując za dużo 🤭 #theme-symmetry #court #sky #outdoor...
Day 1,484
Day 2,252
The exhibition is closing at the end of the week. Time now to finish up what I started over a year ago for the next one... #theme-symmetry
Day 1,483
Day 1,950
zajumali mi kołpak(i)
Day 1,156
jeden pstryk i...
Day 1,917
little beetle is throwing a long shadow
the world from the point of view of #little-beetle #theme-symmetry
Day 1,672
domowe źródło zapachu...
Day 1,675
pobudka g.06.12...
Day 231
Day 1,630
With @mkally #theme-symmetry #street #windows #person #walk #wall #2d
Day 1,918
no... 😋 the world from the point of view of #little-beetle #theme-symmetry
Day 1,862
It's such a pretty instrument. #banjo #music #strings #symmetry #theme-symmetry #things #stuff #shadows
Day 1,089
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