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Where have your free photos shown up online?

I've been reverse image searching some of my free photos on here just to see where they end up. In Google Chrome, you can simply right-click on your photo, and choose "Search Google for image." My photo of a train is now on a blog post about Ruby on Rails. My house cat appears on sites discussing pet-friendly rentals as well as "how to sanitize your cat" hahahaha.


FlyteWizard My photos have appeared in different places. I don't have any photos for free, so it's basically stealing. But I haven't put watermarks on my images for ages, so nothing I can really do. It's interesting to see who is using my images though ahah.

Kevin Drum Yeah, I use to monitor all the images on my flickr account for copyright infringement, and I find a few wrongful uses every now and then. Most of the time it is some kind of aggregated content or a very small blog, so I just ignore it.

Aaron Pixsy looks good, added my name to the email list for invites. :)

Lauren Huston I recently signed up as well... it only took a couple of days to get the invite. Interesting what it picks up (and a little confusing at times looking at what it thinks is the same photo as mine!)

Aaron That's good to know, hopefully I'll get one through!

I imagine some false positives are better than missing more too.

Lauren Huston Mine have appeared in all sorts of random places, from Brisbane tourist guides to how-to articles which were nothing about what the shot was! Although most people do actually credit the source back (That I've seen).

tigg Interesting indeed. And if you don't use Google Chrome [yet]? Any ideas how to search?

tigg think I've sorted this bit ...

tigg And how, within this site, do you know which ones have been downloaded anyway?

tigg I have found my most downloaded statistic now too. But when I put the address into Google, or TinEye, it came up with o images. I would have thought it may have found the one on tookapic. Is it the entire address you copy and paste?

Kevin Drum I haven't had as much luck with TinEye. I don't think Google image search will work with the URL, but I may be wrong. I think you can drag and drop the photo onto the search box, though. I found some matches for one of your photos here:

tigg oh - thank you

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Kevin Drum Yeah I just tried a few randomly.

Paweł Kadysz I probably need to clear out a few issues. Even if you haven't put any of your photos as available for free, you might still see few downloads in your Achievements page. That's because admins have the ability to download any photo on the site (and these downloads count towards the achievement). We sometimes download full resolution of your photos to see why they render bad in some cases. Or to promote them on Facebook or Instagram.

Second thing is about the CC0 license we have now. We'll be getting rid of it in February. There will still be a free license to put your photos under, but it will be a custom tookapic license, that will require author attribution and a link back to tookapic if used.

Unfortunately, the photos once released under CC0 will stay CC0 - can't do anything about that.

And as for Kevin's question. I've seen my photos in so many places, including our dog, Fibi advertising a music concert. My pics appeared on FastCompany, and many other popular websites. It's nice to see them around the web. Not so nice seeing they're not being signed with my name.

agnieszka bladzik one more thing - if you as tookapic post any photo on FB then anybody can download it, even with the paid photos. So in one hand it's promotion in other you giving things for free ;)
the fuuniest use of my pic that I noticed was my pier photo with the biblical quote :D and the creidits was there

Paweł Kadysz But obviously, we don't post full resolution photos on social media. We scale it down to the size that is available on tookapic anyway.

tigg Clearly this is a complicated area. But would still be interested to try and find one of the downloads out there somewhere .... not that it matters at all. Onwards and upwards.

Ian Prince Yeah to "custom tookapic license, that will require author attribution and a link back to tookapic if used" :) Excellent move!

Jennifer I found one from a fellow user and friend, @Luke, that I think is absolutely bizzarre and wonderful.,fototapeta...

This appears to be a GIGANTIC version of one of his photos that you can get as a mural sticker for your refrigerator. Why does this exist? xD

Bridget Braun One of my co-workers found a photo I took of another co-worker on a wordpress theme site. I was then doing all sorts of reverse photo look-ups, they are EVERYWHERE! Today I celebrate my FIRST photo sale in 222 days. Excited!

Aaron Well done!

Aaron I had a little look but only saw mine on retweets. :)

tania I'm very surprised where I found some of my photos. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Some a recent, other older. But some of them are my favorite ones and I think I'm not comfortable with that, even more when it's a Chinese website and I can't even translate a single word...