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Brainstorming on tookapic growth (New Year)

Ok, so the title of this talk is like "what?". Well, January 1st is the most popular day to start a 365 project. January 2016 was the best month for us - with most users signed up - many of them are still with us. So I think it's time to think about the January 1st campaign.

I'm not a very good marketer. Nor I can afford one right now (tookapic is still not profitable). But maybe there's a marketing genius among you guys.

Maybe some of you grow websites and communities and would like to help? Or maybe you think you have a brilliant idea that will boost our users numbers?

So what exactly am I asking for here?

Basically any idea for making the most of January 1st. Let's say we want to get 100.000 new users on that one day. How would you do that without spending a fortune on advertising?


Paweł Kadysz One of the ideas I had was to ask some of you guys to record a video of yourself (talking head style) saying why did you start a 365 project and how it helped you (one-two sentences - "I take photos because... - 365 project helped me..."). You could record in your native language and provide an english translation so I could put subtitles - this way we'd show that we're an international community.

I'd then edit all of those videos into one short spot, put it on YouTube & FB, invest few bucks in promotion and hope for the best.

What do you think?

Ian Prince I thinks it's a great idea, especially with an international touch. And shooting a selfie-video will be an interesting challenge....

Tomasz Wiśniewski Yup, I think it wouldn't hurt to record a video like that. If anything I'm up for it!

Jule I would definitely do that!

Magda Korzewska I would try and support the idea by spreading information.

Gogi Golzman Great idea.
Just say the word :)

Bridget Braun Love this!

Marcin N Woźniak You can use my story about fighting depression, but i don't think recording my face will be a good advert ;)

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tigg What caused the large recent growth in or from China? Can we learn from that?

Paweł Kadysz Random mention of our app on a random Chinese website. Not much to learn from that.

tigg Ok. Pray to the Random God? LOL?

jewels I particularly like the form of the 365 days tribute - the summary done when someone reaches that milestone. I am wondering if something could be done around the same form, but for the entire community and which we could all spread around social media.

jazzie I understand that tookapic needs to grow in order to become profitable. At the same time I am a bit concerned about losing the familiarity of the community. We need to think about how tookapic can grow and remain 'a family' at the same time, because this is one of the particularities that make tookapic great and unique! This friendship-thing must be included into the campaign!

Boczek Let's go through some ideas especially for the January:

- Facebook ads - ex. Promoting the blog post with the real users feed back and summaries on videos like you @Paweł said or some writen ones as @jewels suggest

- Blog posts or fb posts on various photography oriented sites: could be done in two forms: adds post written by those sites, or some guest posts written by you that can be an advertisment for tookapic and valuable for them (win-win). I think second option would be cheaper :)

Other long terms ideas that came to my mind is to resume blog and write more post like tips or reviews written by both experts and less experienced people. Maybe you could gather some ideas for blog posts from users?

Also you could repost some older valuable blog posts on tookapic fb fanpage to stick to the regular posting. There are many interesting and valuable topics on the tookapic's blog but i think it's hard for new user to read/see them all, so sometimes you have to put sth in front of their eyes to interest them.

@jazzie mention very important subject because one thing is to gain new users but then more important and harder thing to do is to keep them with us and make them join our tookapic family :)

VIVID EXPOSURE I believe its a great idea, who will we use to get that many people to join though..? When I joined, it was because @Grace had invited me. it was still very hard for me to take that first step though. I am worried that by putting our faces out there, it will do no good for this community. You would need people who just joined, and people who been members the longest to get involved. Newer members could get others into it, and older members can inspire those that might be interested. If you were to get just old members involved you might get many more people to join. Try and choose the long-time members carefully though, they are your number one influence. I don't know if I can help in any form at the moment, I am only 17 years old. I will look at some of my advertising on my page, and try to find something I can add to the video to get people to join, I wont be able to show my face though...I can mention you on the top 10 social networking sites, but its hard to get people interested in something unfamiliar.

VIVID EXPOSURE If you have any info on blog posts that I could talk about for Tookapic please email ""

tigg Thinking back, I first joined blipfoto as I read a newspaper article. It was written by a professional photographer and he said that blipfoto was the only photo site he would use. Not sure why I came to tookapic - but I do know that one appeal is the international aspect.
Is it worth a direct approach to a pro to see if they would endorse the site? Maybe write to magazines such as Amateur Photographer if you can find a news aspect. Are we about to gain, say, our 10,000th member?
But I do like the intimate family feel to the site....

VIVID EXPOSURE ok so hows this i wrote on a band chat that i will give you the address to they only have 2,000 members but i think we can get them, going back to work with them...

VIVID EXPOSURE This is what I typed

My name is Jordan, and I am a photographer, looking to get people interested in if anyone's up for that! Its a 365 site where you can share off your creativity by uploading one picture a day for 365 days, if anyone is interested please click the link, to start your 365 project today!! You may also contact, Pawel Kadysz, at for more information!!! If you are really interested, please visit us on Facebook at Hope everyone can join us here at Tookapic, and we would love to see you all there...

Tookapic | Your beautiful, free photo journal We believe that every day is worth celebrating. Thousands of people are celebrating life by saving one photo a day. Join them. Start your photo journal for free.

Romain Personally, I encountered that language is a stumbling block for many friends....
Maybe there should be an option to search for certain members "from location", or create a forum...

Jule Maybe some people could also help translating the site into different languages? Then foreigners can understand buttons and writings here better

Paweł Kadysz It's not that simple to implement another language into a site that big. But we're wokring on it.

VIVID EXPOSURE Pawel have you recently got any more people to your group?

Romain The ability to search for people by country would be expedient...

Paweł Kadysz You mean the staff? There's me, who has no clue about programming and a developer hired part time. No funds for hiring anyone else.

VIVID EXPOSURE True, and yes Pawel!

papaya Tookapic family ... Hm ... I do not know, but it would have been nice. However, the family must be responsible. The more you feel part of this family the more responsibility you feel.

You can either for members of the family to create the possibility of sponsorship eg. In the form of bricks.
I for example. I could have placed for each picture to pay 10 cents or 365 x 10 cents = 36.50 zlotys (so I can today afford)

Or do some fixed amount (such reasonable that I could afford;-)).

Considering the number of family members ... I do not know how much it helped.

Tookapic rodziną... Hm... nie wiem, ale fajnie by było. Jednak za rodzinę trzeba być odpowiedzialny. Im bardziej się czujesz częścią tej rodziny tym bardziej czujesz odpowiedzialność.
Można albo dla członków tej rodziny stworzyć możliwość sponsorowania np. w postaci cegiełek.
Ja np. mógłbym za każde umieszczone zdjęcie zapłacić 10 groszy czyli 365 x 10 groszy = 36,50 złotych (na tyle mogę sobie dziś pozwolić)

Albo zrobić jakąś stałą opłatę (taką niewygórowaną, by było mnie stać ;-) ).
Biorąc pod uwagę ilość członków rodziny... nie wiem na ile by to pomogło.

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Paweł Kadysz Let's keep it about the new year promotion and not about revenue.

papaya Łukasz ja po angielsku nie umiem. Ale tez napisałem po polsku.
Napisałem to w kontekście tego, że w którymś komentarzu było powiedziane, że społeczność tookapic to rodzina. I jeśli chcę być częścią tej rodziny i mam coś dobrego dla siebie z tego, że tutaj jestem to mogę a nawet powinienem być odpowiedzialnym za tą moją rodzinę. I to ja by ta rodzina trwała ofiarowuję coś z siebie i podałem przykład, że skoro chcę tu umieszczać swoje zdjęcia i być tu razem z innymi to mogę za każde zdjęcie dać 10 groszy (za 365 zdjęć jest 36.50 złotych) Taka cegiełka na rok na utrzymanie naszej społeczności to chyba niewielka cena. (nie płacimy rodzinie za zdjęcia tylko sami dla siebie utrzymujemy społeczność jeśli chcemy by była)

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papaya Ok Łukasz. Tak jak mówię nie znam angielskiego i choć zorientowałem się, że szukamy pomysłu jak pozyskać nowych ludzi to wydawało mi się, że jeśli nam się nie uda to byt strony Tookapic się nie utrzyma finansowo i będzie zagrożony. A chyba nam wszystkim byłoby szkoda. Nie wiem jak można sprawić by było z nami 100 000 osób (czy 10 000 ;-) może ten pomysł z tymi filmikami byłby dobry. Ale przejąłem się wieścią, że tookapic mógłby przestać istnieć więc podałem taki pomysł zaczerpnięty z innych stron w internecie. Ale ok skoro filozofia strony jest inna to nie upieram się.

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papaya Nie znam instagram, flickr, 500px czy tumblr i sam się nie śpieszę do płacenia (jestem tylko rencistą dorabiającym grosze jako ochroniarz więc też wolę za darmo ;-) ) Z drugiej strony wiem, że jak jest za darmo to tego nie cenimy. I może ten pomysł, którego szukamy, ten problem... to powinniśmy zrobić na Tookapic taką atmosferę, żeby ludzie zechcieli wspólnie, właśnie tak rodzinnie nieść odpowiedzialność. Boję się, że patrząc tylko w ten sposób, że inne strony oferują za darmo być może uzyskamy nic nie znaczące masy ale czym się wtedy będziemy wyróżniać na korzyść. Wiadomo, że za darmo każdy, który chce się z różnych powodów pokazać wykorzysta taka sytuację. Tylko jak strona się nie utrzyma tylko padnie taki jeden z drugim nawet nie zapłacze. Chwile poczuje się nie swojo i otrzepie kurz i pójdzie gdzie indziej znów za darmo. Niestety jeśli trzeba za coś zapłacić to troszkę to działa jak papierek lakmusowy... pokazuję czy rzeczywiście nam zależy. Oczywiście rozmawiamy sobie lekko, pisze tak ogólnie... bo za mało wiem o tej stronie, motywach jej istnienia itd. Lecz jeśli by się chciało taką jakość uzyskać to od każdej ze tron wymagać trzeba więcej. Na początek chociażby przejrzystość i uczciwość wobec siebie samego i potem innych co ja tu robię , po co tu jestem, po co to robię... Nie łatwa sprawa. Ale jeśli takich elementarnych rzeczy braknie to to wszystko ma krótkie nogi... i długo nie pochodzi.

Magda Korzewska Paweł for expansion in Poland maybe good idea is to come back to media who was interested in Vader's project? You could be very good expert for new year's resolutions. To talk about one photo a day challenge in morning tv.

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aldabwoods I think stories from people who have completed it can help. Are any posted here? People are more likely to participate when they see themselves in other members of the community.

Maybe instead of stories, the 365+ers can answer the same interview questions and post them on their own websites and/or blogs. A page on this site linking to them would be a good way to consolidate them into one place.

Romain I'm started about a month ago with my 365 project... And it's the first time I saw the story page.... Maybe you should give it a more prominent place...

Paweł Kadysz There was no stories page a month ago ;) Now it's one of the main links for logged out visitors.

Ian Prince As I'm never logged out (no kidding Sherlock!) I missed the stories page until now.

Thanks for sharing mine so beautifully :)

tigg we are not the only ones .... Hope this can be looked at, even if you have to copy and paste the URL

jewels I did not know this site, but I have to say that I much prefer the esthetics of Tookapic's layout :-) But we have to give them a run for their money by being extra active in promoting Tookapic :-)

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Romain That's also my opinion... And it's also the reason why I'm sharing often to my FB account. It encourage people to visit tookapic...

Jennifer Just spent the morning doing my own little portion by posting in chats and groups on Flickr about the site. Who knows if it'll help, but I do what I can. Definitely name-dropped a few members too, so maybe some people will see a bit of a bump in followers if my goal of getting people to join up works! :)

Paweł Kadysz Thank you so much! :)

Jennifer Update: success!! At least one person has made a new profile and reached out to me. :D

Paweł Kadysz Awesome! You can use your invitation link to track your invitees. You can find your unique invite link here:

Jennifer That's what I've been putting out there :) who knows if anyone will use my specific link, but it's there!

Eric Patzer I would be happy to post a selfie video about my Tookapic experience to my Facebook page and other social media. I have had a great time here and I plan on doing another round of 365 come January, so Pawel, Thank You for putting this all together.

agnieszka bladzik i started reposting on Instagram - with hastags #tookapic and #365photochallange etc. maybe someone will be interested

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agnieszka bladzik yes, but i don't have so many followers :D

Romanos Kalamatianos I am reposting most of my tookapic images to facebook and some to Instragram but hadn't thought about the hashtags. :P Will start including them from now on. :)

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Aneta Muszkiewicz I thought on this for a few days and I have some ideas. Maybe I woun't doscover new lands, but this are just my conclusion "How to make tookapic more popular and encourage people to join us?"
1. In Poland facebook is the most popular social media comunity, but in other countries leaders are instagram and tweeter. More activity on those three SM places could makes more effect around. But.. @Paweł is just a normal man who lives in 24 hour day and has his own life. @agnieszka, @Jennifer, @lukaszbrozek and others made a good thing and more of us could do same here. I'm trying to post my pics on instagram and facebook with #tookapic (hashtags are important!) and from time to time upload link with invitation to join our comunity.
In this topic - in Poland are meetings called "Thursday Social Media Meeting" in Kraków, Katowice, Białystok, Szczecin, Warszawa, Wrocław, Gdańsk, Lublin, Rzeszów, Olsztyn and more and more (link here: I think that tookapic could be sighned on this initiative. In Szczecin it has big audience and from time to time I spend my Thursday evening there to meet new people and get new information about "what SM could help with conduct buisness".
2. Vader and Lego Human were great projects! I'm glad that this projects were not just in internet media but in newspapers and tv! This is amazing inspiration to make our own projects and trying to make some noise around our hobby, passion and tookapic too.
3. I saw that Paweł from time to time makes articles about his cameras and had chance to test new gear on the photo market. And here... not just producers, but photoblogs, other comunites where photographers spend some time to get news, inspirations, facebook groups and more and more. We could link tookapic there and sometime write article about our project and try to encourage others to join us. Or just meet with friends who love photography too and tell them about it, show and invite them too.
4. I'm impressed that tookapic is place where are kind people, I can see progress on my pics and others. Atmosphere here is amazing and then I was looking for some similar placer, I met worst comunity. I decided to stay here as long as I can. This is tookapic advantage too!
It should be used to help this place. And we can't just look at Paweł, we can do a lot too. I think that in most big cities are photo clubs, workshops, free exhibitions where we can show our passion and progresses in photography, contests - and thanks of who we get it? Paweł and his amazing idea and engagement.

It is not all from my thoughts, but I think this are the most possible to make. I realise that we all are trying to do much here and want to spend as much time here as it is possible. Maybe I told something what it is obvious, but this is brainstorm!

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Aneta Muszkiewicz I found tookapic in newspaper website with topic about Paweł's project with Vader. I have been looking for some challange and inspiration. And I found!

And one thing more - I have my site on facebook and I want to share there pics from tookapic, but all goes to my personal profile. Is any way to change it or I need to make it manual?

bvphotosnap Although I would not participate in the video I can do my little part. I have included a link in my bio at: in hopes that it may reach one person. It takes a village to raise a child.

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bvphotosnap Yay!! :D

VIVID EXPOSURE I will do the same!!

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VIVID EXPOSURE I have lots of followers so you should obtain a couple hundred people/

Grace How about google search, if I search for "365 project" in google, I don't see tookapic at all in the first page, in fact I went all the way to the fourth page and still didn't see it. I don't know how to make it so that it comes up with a search, does anyone know? I can't remember how I found tookapic in the first place. Does it have something to do with key words or something?

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VIVID EXPOSURE Yes, it does @Grace!!! I think it cost more money though. Just search colstrip montana, and a+realestate shows up in third item on first page but my schools colstrip public shows up first its all in the matter of keywords and how you promote your site, which cost more money as well!!

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Paweł Kadysz We have some budget for Advertising in Google around new year's eve. It should pop up on first place on January 1st.

Grace I went through and tookapic is on the top of page 5 of the search results for me...

Jule I actually found tookapic via google first :o

Paweł Kadysz Ok guys, I created a private Facebook group for this video project. It's a closed group so you'll need to get approved to join. You can find the group here:

I will be posting all the details about the video project later today or over the weekend.

VIVID EXPOSURE If I join, @Paweł will I receive a lot of spam?? Since I'm from the United States??? Since facebook's groups are language based, and people can look up anyone they want to look up!!

Paweł Kadysz This is a closed group created only for this particular project - the New Year's tookapic video. Once we're done with the video, the group will be deleted. But if you don't plan to contribute to the video, you shouldn't join.

VIVID EXPOSURE Thanks for the information I will not be joining then!! :P

Jule I don't have a facebook but I would like to participate, can you maybe mail the information to me or something?

VIVID EXPOSURE @Jule what information do you need??

--You can either join this ( facebook group and create a video.

--You can post your invite link on some social media apps, such as twitter, facebook, instagram, google+, (etc).

--You can also make an advertisement on facebook, sure it takes some time to think out the advertisements but is well worth it and is proven to work, and It costs money, and depending on how many people you want to reach out too, say 30,000 people that would be close too $$19.28/day for 1 year that would amount to $$7,037.02 (USD).

My only question is how would this company drop that stiff price and still be able to keep up with the cruising market apps. No offence to your company @Paweł, you've done an impeccable job keeping it running this long!!

I hope that we can grow as a community, without expenses, even though it will be extremely difficult to get even close to 100,000 new members, I dont think it's entirely impossible to do.

I believe if Pawel Kadysz can make this video, which by the way is a awesome idea, and a great start to advertise this app, we should help him out, for as much as he has done for us...
~Jordan Shaw

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VIVID EXPOSURE Thanks for explaining, Lukasz Brozek!!!

Jule Yes exactly :) Thanks!

Satoshi T I avoided SNS because I become addictive, but I registered myself on Facebook for this purpose. and I try to make video for the first time in my life...

vera I think it would be the same for me... my first video of myself😝

Chen YiZhou same for me, haha

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Jule I've done a lot of videos but I also avoid SNS because I get addicted so fast, Satoshi could you maybe send me an email with the details of the Facebook group? I can send you my email address then :)

VIVID EXPOSURE is this what you need Jule, or different information,

Jule Thank you but I need the infromation that's in the group because I can't see it without a Facebook acc :(

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Satoshi T You always create cool videos @lukaszbrozek ! focus your face instead of your guitar, and talk about camera and photo life.

Satoshi T I have a mental trouble. Extremely dependent on or refused. I can not be enjoyed moderately. So I am restricting SNS participation. It will be out of hand if I extend the range too much... btw. @Jule , Pawel put a document about making video in dropbox. I guess you can access it.

VIVID EXPOSURE Sorry I was not able to get you that info!! @Jule, @Paweł has a new way of getting that information to you though via dropbox at

Jule Okay thanks! And I have the same mental problem as you Satoshi, it really sucks :(

Chen YiZhou I think video is a great way to let more ppl know tookapic. In China, I can create a wechat official account to update tookapic things, such as pics, videos, news, highlights, etc. One thing you may not know is wechat is the biggest communication tools used in China, nearly anyone has own account.@Paweł

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Chen YiZhou @Paweł Kadysz, i could not @you...could anyone can help?

agnieszka bladzik @Paweł i think it's good idea :)

VIVID EXPOSURE Great Idea!!! @Chen

Jule That sounds good! :)

Paweł Kadysz Go ahead!

VIVID EXPOSURE Type @ and then the first half of the name and wait for it to recognize the name like so, @Chen. Hope this helps.

Chen YiZhou YES Sir! I will let you know when it is done. It will take 1-2 week to register a new official account.

Chen YiZhou thx help!

Paweł Kadysz If anyone of you wants to take part in the video but doesn't want to join Facebook group or Facebook in the first place, here's the file with all the details explained:

VIVID EXPOSURE Did you receive my video, @Paweł will that work for you??

Jule Thank you so much!

aldabwoods I talked about tookapic on my blog and why I chose it for my 365 Project here:

I'll help distribute any video and if I could have permission @Paweł , embed it on that page.

ponzu Is this talk at the top because user Abdi bumped it with a "." comment or because @Paweł is interested in hearing new ideas on growing Tookapic?

bizon I think the first one is true :D

Paweł Kadysz But the second is not not true either :P

Alek Jedliński I think reaching out to dpreview and or a couple of photography YT channels (such as Art of Photography) would be a good idea. Just as an idea for them to communicate to users, cosidering January 1st is approaching and they can create an article or piece of content about Tookapic or the idea itself.

gerlos A few days ago I posted this composite shot in an Instagram story and in a Facebook post (the caption says "Almost done"):

Result: some of my contacts dropped me congratulation messages (they already were following my project), some more asked me what was that thing about, and we talked of Tookapic.

It would be nice if everyone here could share something like this on his/her social network profiles, don't you think? It's something unusual that could ignite conversations!

PS To create that collage I used ImageMagick command "montage", like this:

$ montage -tile 12x -geometry 90x78^+0+0 -gravity center -crop 90:78 *.jpg 0.jpg