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What do your friends & family think of your 365 project?

The 365 project is often about your personal life and the ones that are closest to you. Therefore you can't really hide it from your friends & family, can you? I'm wondering how did your friends and family react when you told them you're doing it?

How did you tell them? What was their reaction? Did they encourage you? Did they understand the idea? Are they now supportive? Are they impressed by your perseverance or maybe they see your 365 challange as a whim?

Looking forward to reading your stories. I will post mine as well, I just need to talk to my wife, bacuse I honestly don't remember how it went in my case (I've been doing this since 2013).



Urszula Stachowicz I think it is possible to hide 365 project. :P About my first one (before Tookapic), almost no one knew.

It changed when I started here. Sometimes I ask my friends or my family for props or for help with week theme, so obviously I told them why do I need this. They weren't surprised and they are very supportive. They even give mi ideas. Of course there are also other reactions. For example some people think it's just a play and it's stupid. Other are very sceptical like: 'what is she seeing there? Why is she taking photo of a dandelion?' or: 'Why are you taking photo of a stick? Can't you find anything else?'
I would probably care if one of my friends said that but in this case... Well, I just don't. :P

vividcolourfabric Same here. Family is very supportive but sometimes they're wondering why I'm taking pics of potatoes and stuff.

Urszula Stachowicz You weird person! Why would you take pic of potato? o_0

vividcolourfabric Hey! I was working on a psychiatric ward! Hmmm... Maybe I should stay there? :P

Urszula Stachowicz Umh, how did you get out?! :P:P

vividcolourfabric By bus. 😂

Urszula Stachowicz There, there. Just put this sweater with long sleeves, everything will be ok... :P

Hubert Firzbak Hmm..the family lives with it and nothing more. But
My girlfriend sometimes has no patience :D
but she tries to be forgiving. this is my beginning so
she will get used to it. hehe

Ginger Honestly, nobody cares, neither my family nor friends, most of them have no idea i do it even. sometimes my older daughter helps me to choose the best pic, or gives me some inspiration. But thanx to Tookapic i have found a soulmate, me support each other, motivate to take picture daily, help to choose this only one to be published. When we meet, we always take pic together and it all makes sens now :) This is why soon we both will fiish our projects without a single gap. Actually, I think most of ppl do not understand doing things just for an idea, for fun, for pleasure. Everything has to "make sense"... And i wonder WHY? As more ridiculous or entertaining something is as more it is worth doing, just for ourseves, because life is too short to only serious things, is not it?

Paweł Kadysz People do much weirder stuff "for fun" ;) But I know what you mean. Most people don't understand the idea of 365 project challenge.

Hubert Firzbak if you want to feel good,think about yourself first.thanks to this the rest of the people around you feel good. I hope he writes understandably.My english is not so good.tookapic helps me with this(english) :D

Ginger Well, seems I am surrounded by too serious ppl. :) By the way, thank you very much for creating this fabulous space for ppl to express themselves by images and the awesome community, full of possitive emotions and feelings :)

Ginger Tookapic helps to improve many things, including english :) Good luck, i can see you have just started your project. Keep going :)

Marta Tomaszewska I think that both my family and friends are quite used to fact that I'm always doing "weird" ;-) I've been into photography since 10 years now so nobody is surprised that I'm making a bit more of it. And when I ask for advice with choosing "this one pic" or asking if I can publish someone's stuff as 365's photo they are supportive and eager to help.
Most of the people are more surprised when I tell them I'm learning to sing ;-)

agnieszka bladzik for sure I am the lucky one, I have few people that for my whole journey were extremely supportive. my Mom is on the top of this list. she help me with choosing photos, she looks for ideas [especially when i'm at home], help me with my portraits, she listens to my struggles with the project. although she doesn't like to be on photos sometimes I managed to conviced her ["bye " "stripes and boats"]. my dad ["thank you"] will share his rather strange ideas for photos when i'm walking around trying to shot something, but at the same time will always help me with organizing some stuff for photos. if you know my project you will also see my supportive friends, who have been poseing for me many times [@Dora "spider?" @Dominika "friends #2"]. I also have my 'silent' supporters who give me ideas, search for things to the weekly themes, and are visiting tookapic [@Martyna "Chillout in the garden" @carcharias]. project also help me to be recognized at work place - and every now and then I will take photos for corporate events []. i'm greatful to have such amazing people around me. every now and then they will only ask 'seriously another year?" but then they will help me to throw cakes on me [] or do other amazing things []. the funniest was first year, when there were no one day delay and i was running from meetings to post the photo.

FlyteWizard My family doesn't really care about my challenge, but they are encouraging of me. They check in sometimes and ask about my daily pic and will help.

I had an ex partner who was in some of my pictures, so they knew about it. And they were encouraging. But they knew since we were living together.

My last ex partner kind of hated my challenge. They told me they thought I was lying about my daily life by posting pictures that were staged.

So it's been a bunch of different responses.

Karolina Oksiędzka Then it's good that he is an EX partner.

FlyteWizard Yup, it's a good thing she is an EX partner. I want someone who is supportive!

Monika Fiba Pozwolę sobie napisać po polsku bo większość odpowiadających to Polacy.
Więc u mnie jest podobnie jak w wielu przypadkach tutaj.Czyli brak zrozumienia dla projektu przez najblizszych i kolegow.Najwiekszym moim fanem jest moj 6,5 letni synek który jest też moją największą inspiracją ;)mój mąż czasem spyta co wrzucilas dzisiaj na stronę (no ale dla niego to że robię zdjęcia to jak jedzenie chleba;) wkoncu od paru lat widzi mnie z aparatem i dla niego to normalne).Niektórzy uważają że to strata czasu.No ale co jest dobre dla mnie nie musi być dobre dla kogoś innego.Najwazniejsze że ja lubię to robić i czuje że się rozwijam i daje mi to satysfakcję.Zawsze mam aparat ze sobą co budzi kontrowersje że jestem jakaś "inna" A ja cieszę się że 2 stycznia wyskoczyła mi reklama Tookapic na Facebooku i spontanicznie się zarejestrowałam to mój drugi projekt 365 dni.

Marta Tomaszewska zmień kolegów :D :D :D
a tak serio to jest po prostu kwestia wyboru życiowej drogi, ja nie jestem na przykład w stanie zrozumieć jak można łykać sezon albo dwa serialu w tydzień, to jest dopiero strata czasu ;-)
a fotografia uczy bardzo dużo, kształtuje nasze spojrzenie na świat, wyrabia spostrzegawczość, umiejętność dostrzegania nieoczywistych rzeczy, uwrażliwia na piękno, moderuje relacje międzyludzkie, otwiera na świat i ludzi i w ogóle robi dużo dobrego w nasze mózgi i serca ;-)

Urszula Stachowicz Nie ma sensu się tym przejmować, że ktoś dziwnie patrzy. Ja swój pierwszy projekt wykonałam w całości lustrzanką więc też przy każdym wyjściu zabierałam ją ze sobą. :P Grunt, że mamy tę stronę, na której wszyscy rozumieją, z czym mierzymy się każdego dnia :)

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maggaglen U mnie odwrotnie wszyscy mnie wspierają jeżeli chodzi o rodzinę niektórzy znajomi nie mogą zrozumieć że za darmo i jeszcze płacę ale to ich problem to ja już czasem jestem zmęczona , mąż wymyśla mi plenery że czasem wołam o pomstę ale nosi wszystkie akcesoria jak jest ze mną akurat 😂

Hanna Gawrychowska In October 2015, my daughter sent me a link to tookapic saying that it was something for me.
From now on all my relatives, all my friends support me, comment and sometimes help me choose a photo.
My sister checks every day what I put in, my mother checks if I did not leave the day, my daughters cheer for me, even my grandchildren boast of their colleagues. My personal TŻ supports me and goes with me to sunrise and sunset. Even my dog takes part in my passion ....

I am a happy woman and I am very sorry that you do not find support from your environment

Phillip Flores My family is supportive on what I do here. They offer suggestions and sometimes pick the photo to upload. They were a bit disappointed when I took a long break which broke my streak :( but pleased when I started posting again.

Karolina Oksiędzka As I read your stories I feel really, really sad. And I see why so many of you love space that Tookapic gives you. I am used to walking my own paths so I don't really care what people think and quite a lot non creative friends of mine say that I'm a loony. I know that it might be really discouraging for less individualist people.

Nevertheless... I am a graphic designer so I do a lot of creative stuff, and my husband is also a photographer. Maybe that is why I have support. My husband sometimes helps with the ideas and quite often with picking the photo of the day :). But a lot of people are interested in what I do. I never hid my project, I've started talking about it from the very first day. So naturally quite a lot of people ask me about it (I publish it also on facebook, and seriously I have LOT more support there - less likes, but lot more comments and private messages).

Monika Fiba @Karolina Ja nie odbieram tego jako smutną historię.Mieszkam w innym kraju i otaczam się innymi ludzmi.Mi to nie przeszkadza.Kazdy ma prawo do własnego zdania i do indywidualnego zachowania.Projekt robię dla siebie i swojego rozwoju.Temat dotyczył tylko 365 dni i Tookapic i na nim się skupiłam.

Gogi Golzman The best artists in music photography design and many many moe subjects, are lunatics! So there is nothing bad about it :)

Karolina Oksiędzka That's true :). Or maybe just lack of understanding? Non artistic people just see the world differently.

Gogi Golzman Actually my profession is because of the project, my first project was in 2012 , i didn't had any photography background (only graphic design) so i used what i had .. and people started to like it a lot .. eventually when i finished the same project, i had a break and people were driving me crazy "what about the project? what about the project?" when i met my girlfriend she was such a Hugh inspiration for me . my photos got better and better and everybody around me were really supportive. so i guess i am pretty lucky :)

Hubert Firzbak I do not know you in reality, but you seem to be cool :D

Jan Buchta In my case only few people know about this side and my project 365 (like mostly cases above) Hm, maybe that's the reason why they look at me weird when I walk with my camera everywhere or I take a photo of some stuff. Some friends said that is nice idea but they are not interested about it - only two people asked me some time later, hey how your daily taking photos is going or how about your project. Most of people don't understand why i'm doing it - at work they are asking, why do you take photo of this stuff? What? You are posting it somewhere? Why? My answer is, why you're smoking or scrolling Facebook half of day?

Now I'm wondering, maybe I should tell about it more people I know and check their reaction?

The most important person who support me in this what I'm doing here and without this person I would never start this project is my sunshine, Marta. Both of us like taking photos. Some time ago I showed Her this side and I said, look at this great idea - project 365. She said, yep it's nice, are you starting that? I said that I want to but I probablly won't finish it. I give myself maximum few weeks and I'll stop taking photos daily or I'll just forget to take some photo or sth like that... and them She said, ooh stop saying that. Of course you can finish this project. You like taking photos so don't think you can't and just do that.. So I started. She support me the most and without her I would finish this few months ago.

I'm really grateful for her support She's giving me here but not only for that and here. On this photos I see how much more colorful my days are by You. I see that I'm doing things that I would never do without Your support @Marta

Paweł Kadysz That's so nice of Marta for being supportive.

Hubert Firzbak when I lack motivation.I'm watching @Paweł on youtube :D I recommend.high five with a marta ;-)

Michał Over two years ago I decided that I need better camera for taking pictures of my kids. Well, actually my wife was wittering about it, mainly because photography was her hobby back in the student years and DSLR was her dream. We ended up with mirrorless and 2 prime lenses only. During the first few months we photographed our kids from each side. Then I started taking it to family events or trips and tried to think more about settings (i.e. avoided auto mode), composition and post-processing. I also read more about different aspects of photography but didn't practice much. I had no goal or challenge because after all it wasn't my job or hobby (back then).

Then I read about tookapic somewhere in the web and decided to try it, but without telling anyone for the first few weeks - just in case I'd fail. Eventually it turned out that it's not easy to hide it, so I described the tookapic idea to my wife. She didn't quite got it initially, smiled at me when I was taking camera everywhere, but generally she supported my attempts. Weeks passed and she showed much more interest of my pics, checked if I took a pic, helped with selection or posed from time to time. Now it's just natural that I take the camera almost everywhere and spend some time here in the evenings.

When I'm out with my kids and start taking photos of something ordinary, they quickly get impatient and rushing me to move on. But on the other hand they do like watching my photos in albums, either digital or printed.

My parents weren't aware about the project for the first few months, but once I showed them what I'm up to, they liked it a lot. Since then they're checking how my project is going on a regular basis. Of course they love pics of their grandchildren the most. Every time we talk, they're excited about recent pics I sent them and they even noticed that my pics are much more creative and eye catching than they used to be.

From time to time it happens that I'm taking photos during a lunch-break, so my colleagues at work are curious and I'm always happy to explain this. Some of them do not get the idea but they like photos. Some admire the perseverance and wish they had time for that - I always encourage them to start (few event tried, but unfortunately abandoned the project after few weeks). Minority doesn't care at all. My closer friends and neighbors see me all the time with the camera so are well aware aware about my project and hobby. They have similar reactions, mostly positive ones.

So, after reading other comments here I think I'm quite lucky having supportive family and friends. Each of them in their own way :)

And if anyone asks me about my hobby now, I mention photography first.

Filip Łannik I have a big support from my parents. They watch my photos every single day of my project. My friends tell me only three words: "You are crazy!"😂.

NatZ Honestly, my family and friends think it is an other whim of mine. I'm not sure they really care actually. 😁
My kids are really supportive and I love their vision on photographs so fresh and spontaneous. I just have to be careful not to use my camera too often when I spend time with them.

Joe Fortin Since joining Tookapic I've seriously upped my 365 Project game.

Before joining I kept it fairly secret (maybe I was being selfish, maybe I was insecure, but my project was just for me); almost no one knew what I was doing. What's interesting is that before Tookapic I had never been able to fully complete a project.

Since joining I've shared my page with friends and family. Sadly none have joined (still trying to unlock that achievement), however...

Just last night (23 April) I was talking with some prospective clients about the weather (mostly about how things are about two weeks or so behind last year) and the one guest asked how I knew. I mentioned off hand that I had been doing a 365 Project for a while now. They were fascinated about it worked. I told 'em about Tookapic and we continued on our way (hey... if Keith, Ann/Anna, and/or Lee are reading this, Hi! It's Joe from Bark Lake).