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Weekly theme

Tookapic Love

October 6th - October 13th
94 photos from 48 users

On October 9th Tookapic turns 6. Six years of daily photo taking by hundreds, thousands of people. Let's celebrate this. Let's celebrate the love for photography. This week, take photos of what photography and your 365 project means to you. Share your thoughts in the photo caption. Those photos will be the best birthday gift we could imagine. But don't share those pics on Tookapic only. Share them on Instagram and Facebook. Tag them all with #tookapicLove, so we can track them and share them on our social media accounts. Thank you for being with us for 6 years. Keep taking photos!

This theme is expired. Check out the current one: Breakfast.
Day 1,825
Photography is LIFE
If 5 years ago someone told me that I’d be taking daily photos for 1825 days straight, I’d laugh. First - I can’t do it. Second -...
Day 1,825
made it, again. I must admit that this year was a struggle thou. I almost did 'obama out mic drop' remake with a tought that this will be my last p...
Day 1,827
Here's to Tookapic. Happy birthday! #theme-tookapic-love
Day 1,439
tookapic love
Grab the camera and tookapic. It's so easy and so hard at the same time. #theme-tookapic-love
Day 1,468
Tookapic Love
Day 1,467
@prusalinda 's @jazzie 's @120mr 's @...
Day 973
wkręciłam się... / I got into a tookapic
Day 1,014
I'll get by
I love how taking photos everyday isn't a weird thing here. I mean, I'm lucky enough to have friends who know that I can go anywhere only...
Day 990
Day 1,260
How far will we go ?
#theme-tookapic-love We know when we start, Tookapic is a need, I move in my search for new images. The Tookapic discipline pushe...
Day 423
Endless love
All the best Tookapic! With love.. KasiaM☺️💙☺️ #theme-tookapic-love
Day 1,121
Happy birthday Tookapic (I didn't take proper photo for today sorry :P ) #theme-tookapic-love
Day 1,441
tookapic is a patch for life problems, dilemmas, cracks... #tookapiclove #tookapic #theme-tookapic-love
Day 1,159
nawet nie wiem, kiedy to się stało, ale... wpadłam po uszy! mijały dni, karta pamięci puchła od zdjęć, a do ramienia przyrósł aparat... w...
Day 646
In the kitchen
Jestem ogromną miłośniczką wschodów słońca, ale chyba moją drugą pasją stało się fotografowanie w kuchni, więc w sklepach mój wzrok i n...
Day 972
Hearts for Tookapic (bokeh)
Zamieszczenie zdjęcia na Tookapic to jedna z przyjemniejszych chwil dnia. Cieszy mnie, że spotkałam tutaj pozytywnie zakrę...
Day 633
pasja fotografowania
#theme-tookapic-love @shadoke i @owcafoto mocno musiały się natrudzić, żeby takiego samotnika jak ja tutaj przyciągnąć, ale jak j...
Day 1,440
night sesion - part 1
Soon it will be four years from the day my daughter sent me a link to the tookapic page with the comment 'it's probably somethin...
Day 975
Tookapic love
Day 645
Tak, czasami, powstają moje zimowe zdjęcia kulinarne :) Za 3 miesiące minie 2 lata mojej przygody z fotografią. Dwa niesamowite lata, gdzie...
Day 991
We Love Took-a-Pic!!!
Day 1,742
for Tooka with love! #theme-tookapic-love
Day 1,011
#theme-tookapic-love 1011 dni intensywnego kursu fotografii. Nauka przez doświadczenie i codzienna praktykę. Dużo się zmieniło przez ten czas, asortym...
Day 964
15 years challenge
Somewhere far, far in the past this woman (she was a girl, a teenager then... and so was I. A teenager, not a girl ;p) gave me her...