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What tookapic did for you?

We'll be changing our homepage soon. There's going to be a "social proof" part. And so we need some opinions from real tookapic users. It should be short (one or two sentences) saying why you use tookapic and how it helped you.


tookapic tought me to appreciate my photos more. I'm now taking photos that are simply worth remembering.


Having to use it every day I learned pretty much everything about my camera and how to make the most of it.

Thanks for your help.


Jennifer Tookapic helped build my confidence in myself in general, as well as in photography. Developing a habit that I stuck to daily has made me a more consistent person.

Jennifer Happy to help however I can. I could go on and on about all this, but I won't haha. I wanted to contribute something that was less photography-based though, because although that has definitely improved, I feel like there are other huge benefits that could draw in people who have no particular interest in photography.

vera That's very interesting what you say! You describe something very important too I think! :)

Jennifer Thank you, I feel so too. It probably sounds very grand, but this project and this site have made me a better person.

FlyteWizard As silly as it sounds, Tookapic helped me manage my daily daylight time effectively.

Satoshi T It is unique experience for me to select only one photo everyday.I observe what I didn't have interest before I start Tookapic.

Michael Gatton If you want to make photography a habit, this is the place. Once you start you will not want to stop.

leitu Tookpic let me know a lot of photographers all over the world. Although my English level to be improved, but it does not affect me and share learning and progress.. I believe that a smile is the world's common language, thank you ^_^

Jennifer This is such a huge one for me! I think it's incredibly cool how we are really from all over the world! It's awesome that we have a Swiss meetup and a potential international meetup happening. Love you guys. ^.^ <3

Grace Tookapic has helped me to look at everything more closely and appreciate the beauty that is all around us in the world. It has also motivated me to continue photographing every day because of the wonderful community on here.

tania Tookapic is my daily meditation act. Everyday I have breaks, I breathe and I observ the world from a different angle. Everyday I find beauty, even in tiny insignificant things...

Bridget Braun Tookapic taught me to slow down and look at the bigger picture.

Ewa Kudlaty Tookapic is my daily positive habit, helped me to be systematic and has added confidence. I look at the world and see how is beautiful. I see more every single day.

120mr I was taking a lot of pictures in many situation, but now I ALWAYS have my camera with me, so part of my photos wouldn't exist without Tookapic. And, yes, sometimes it's quite a challenge to choose only one. But now I have incredible order and only a few better shots from a photo walk on my disc. So, Tookapic helped me to take and manage my pics.

Jesse Lind Tookapic's community is one of the best I have ever been a part of. Every person is so kind and so encouraging. I don't think I would have completed it through my project without them...

biquette Tookapic helped me to become more creative and to really look at the world and appreciate every details.

Tomasz Dolata Tookapic mobilizes the daily work with the camera, it shows new possibilities and allows you to meet interesting people

agnieszka bladzik tookapic took me out of my comfort zone as i tried and learned new things just to improve my photography.

Jesse Lind That's definitely true!

Kevin Drum The daily pursuit of a good photo serves as a constant reminder to not live such a boring life.

Luke Tookapic was what got me into photography in the first place, and allowed me to discover a love for a hobby that I had never even considered previously. I began this project with my cell phone, and will be finishing it with my first DSLR!

vera I'm learning to know better my camera and to discover all its functions. Thanks to the daily practice, I remember better what I learnt. I am proud to have crossed from an automatic mode to a manual mode... The sharing with the other members of Tookapic is really very encouraging, stimulating and inspiring!

Andres Youshimats Tookapic is taking the lazy part out of me. Thank you @Paweł!!

Mouhsine Idrissi First, the commitment make it very interesting and make member more responsible, have obligation. Second, only one photo a day push us to publish what we think is best and that gives a certain quality to tookapic. Third is the weekly theme that give us a sort of assignment or a little project which make us more creative and productive. Fourth is the fact that all members are committed to publish their best and their creativity daily and share it with all other members. It's a great concept.

Artur Łobocki Thanks to Tookapic I feel that I look at the world around me through the camera viewfinder permanently, even without carrying a camera.

jazzie Tookapic is motivating me to take at least one photography a day, and it must be a good one! I became much more attentive to small details like disturbing reflexions or nice light situations while photographing.

Joe Fortin Sometimes it's the little things that keep you going. Tookapic has an active and engaged community that is always willing to give you that little push you need to get back out there and make something with your camera.

Tomasz Stankiewicz Tookapic changed the thing I'm focusing on when it comes to photography. I have to have an idea for a picture everyday, so I stopped thinking about equipment and started thinking about photographs!

jewels Tookapic has taught me to push boundaries, to look for the extraordinary in the ordinary and to view each day as a new adventure!

Jule Tookapic helps me appreciate every day and is a perfect distraction from stress and anxiety.

agnieszka bladzik Tookapic tought me one more thing: to not give up. My camera crashed twice during last few months, yet I'm still in the project, without day missed. Before I would be discouraged and most likely I would try to not break my camera. Now I just grab phone or my old compact. :-D

Jola In addition to all the good that I experienced taking part in the project I value the most is that tookapic saved me from a serious illness. Pressure on the left eye while looking through right eye viewfinder causes double vision, which passes after two hours. I already have a diagnosis - transient cerebral ischemic attack. I'm already treated. Thank tookapic. I am happy that I came here :D

Romain tookapic change the way I take pictures complete. Instead of taking 100 photos on 1 day/event , now I'm taking 1photo every day during 100 days.....

Gogi Golzman The ability of taking photos day by day has made me to push my limits and knowledge & became a much better photographer.

Chen YiZhou Actually i started my 365 plan before i find Tookapic. For me, it just like a paradise becasue it gives me the opportunities to know more people who love photography and learn a lot from you. I really love this place😄

jokele Today it's my 239th day taking images for this project. And I've just scrolled through my images I have uploaded here. Doing this project is great. I'm getting more used to my cameras and lenses. I spent much less money buying new equipment - but using the available much more now ,-)

But when I've just scrolled through my images here - the best tookapic did for me... it's a diary! I've never written a diary and I think, I will never do that. But most of my images are telling stories to me. What I did on that day, who have I met, where have I been. Even such images I did to learn new techniques are telling stories to me - what worked, what not, what happend when I took that image. Now I have a diary for the past eight months and it is growing! That did tookapic for me - and that is great! Thank you, tookapic team!

365 Shades of Calvados Thanks to tookapic and my dog, Calvados, who at the beginning was my inspiration and model, I have accidentally created a portfolio of some cool and funny photos of him, which allowed Calvados to make a debut as an animal-actor! :-D

Tiljans Tookapic brings me outside, on the move, be creative, learns me to look with open eyes. Thank you!

Joe Fortin I've been trying for a number of years (since 2010?) to complete a 365 Project. Thanks to Tookapic, not only did I complete my first, but I also found a community of like minded folks.

Jennifer Yes! There's something about this community and site that just *works* because it was the same for me. A total mess until I came here and it's been flawless since. ^.^ So proud of you for accomplishing it!

Kazzi These people are just so positive, don't You think?

Eric Tirado I used to think of my camera as a journal of my visits to beautiful places. I now realize that my camera is a ticket to visit beautiful places.