Hey everybody :) there are so many talented people here. sometimes i wonder how come they have less likes & followers. So let's play a little game... each one will share one user and explain why he choose him
it can be really nice to share and see what inspires you :)
so I'll start: I chose @Foggy his style and photos are amazing and still he has only 270 followers. I really have no idea how the hack it is possible. He has unique photos and ideas, the colors are very moody. clearly i see no reason to follow him or give him a thumbs up
what about you?
Ginger I love Foggy stories as well.
Asia I'm watching his on Instagram and didn't know that his here! Thanks :)
Asia @monika_fabcia I discovered her photos recently. I like the most photos with her son :)
vividcolourfabric Definitely @Margaret. And I can't even really tell why I love her photos, I guess it's just her own individual style. It's a pity she doesn't post her pics here on tookapic anymore.
Asia O, yeah, it's beautiful gallery! :D
vera Fabulous indeed! 👌🏼
Krzysztof Maciejewski Wow! That is something incredible...
Krzysztof Maciejewski Yes, it's a pity - and she is unfindable.
vividcolourfabric Actually - she isn't. Only needs a bit of stalking skills. :P facebook.com/pg/Dokumentalni-1...
Krzysztof Maciejewski Hats off to you @vividcolourfabric :-)
Krysia O rany! Ja też już ją uwielbiam :)
vera For nature and birds photos, I just now discovered Karolina Kijak tookapic.com/karolina_kd
Marta I noticed her a few days ago, beautiful photos and great illustrations😊
Karolina Kijak Thank You very much vera, I'm happy You like my photos :) Yours are very beatifull too! Especially the las one - cherry tree, minimalistic and delicate.
vera Thanks a lot Karolina! I'm looking forward to see your work on Tookapic! 😊
agnieszka bladzik i also really like tookapic.com/katarzynan?sort=r... :D
Ewa Kudlaty
Great idea @Gogi! I have 2 favorites:
@Iva for the consistency of the theme and showing wonderful child-dog relationship <3
@Paula for registration of ordinary everyday life in a beautiful way. I hope she will back😊
Iva Thank you ❤️
Paula Walczak Thank You @Ewa <3 I'll be back. Promise :*
Magda Korzewska great idea for exchanging new talents. I follow tookapic.com/kryst from hist trip to Iceland, great project for me.
Roman Czarny I recommend @larrytoube has a low photographic intuition and real talent
larrytoube Thank you
agnieszka bladzik spotted @_mchmk while scanning weekly themes ;) tookapic.com/_mchmk
Karolina Oksiędzka I wanted to add him to this topic as well :D
Maciej Chomik Thanks. I'm glad that someone likes my project. :D
torero ... me too :)
Krysia Oooo uwielbiam ten profil :)
Nicolas Camenisch I would recommend Bartłomiej Jacak tookapic.com/bartlomiej . He has some very nice photographs that deserve way more likes :)
Bartłomiej Jacak Wow, thanks a lot for those kind words @Nicolas! 😊
Krzysztof Maciejewski Well, I study photography here and almost everyone here is very talented. However, if I understand the context of the thread well, it is about young talents with a small number of photos for now. Lately I saw the photos tookapic.com/shadoke and tookapic.com/fourzyflash...
Magda Korzewska One more new project from John tookapic.com/johnbastoen IMO great street photography
vera Thanks for sharing Magda!
gerlos I love @Krzysztof photography - really like those contrast and colours!
Krzysztof Maciejewski Thank you very much @gerlos. Technically, I still have a lot of deficiencies, but I'm trying to show the world how I see it.
torero I saw they already recommended @_mchmk tookapic.com/_mchmk but I'd like you to have at least a glance at @justkal-n tookapic.com/justkal-n IMO she deserves her share of glory as well :)
Maciej Chomik Thanks a lot for pick me! :D
Justyna l-n Thank you so much! <3
Foggy stories
OMG! I don't know how is it even possible that I didn't see this topic before. Just few days before @jagucze_s8vuaig told me about this and I was like : What the heck?!
@Gogi Thank you so much! I apreciate this a lot! <3
You was one of the first person that I follow at the beginning. Your pictures was one of my favourite here so it mean a lot for me!
So one more time - Thank you so much!
It's so kind <3
Marta Tomaszewska I follow many of authors mentioned above and still looking for new ones, but I have to add tookapic.com/krystian7art - @Krystian to the list - mainly because his quite unique and consistent style. I usually don't have to look at author to know that's him ;-)
Krystian Łupieżowiec Thank you very much Marta 😄😄😄
Ginger Lovely <3 Just have discovered this profile and I want to share it with all of you :) tookapic.com/molik?sort=recent...
Marta Totally agree!😊 I discovered her profile some time ago. Love her drawings! And check out Jana's recipe for delicious salad😀😋
Ginger I cannot stop watching these amazing pics... wish I was so talented... Will check :)
Phillip Flores Thanks! Very good drawings.
Rafal Few people's photos are absolutely fantastic for me - @agnieszka for her street photos from normal life, @Krystian for his artistic vision man vs nature (fog, night, forest..etc), @Satoshi for his comprehension of the themes of the week, @Magda for whole of her majestic porfolio and last but not least @Rene (unfortunately he is finished his work here) for night shots, together with Grace's beautiful shots from New Zealand
Magda Parkitna Thanks @Rafal for setting me apart. It is sooooo nice.
Magda Parkitna This is my turn and favourite profiles lately. This one: tookapic.com/lozzaness for fantastic night pics. Anothere one: @Ula-stachowicz for her creative selfi and @B-B for awesome story of theirs life journey.
B-B Wanders That is so kind :) appreciate it :)
Magda Parkitna You're welcome;-)
Urszula Stachowicz Oh, thanks for appreciation for my selfies! :D
Michel Neufeld Excellent idea Gogi ! I have discovered the work of @Margie which I appreciate a lot ! Her taste is so delicate ! My problem is that, in the Tookapic community, there are so many very talented and experienced photographers ! I have a lot of work in the front of me !
Michael Gatton Yes Margie, and always supportive of others. :-)
What a nice idea! I've got many favourite photographers here... Today I'd like to recommend:
@Michallinna from the very beginning I'm impressed by Michallinna's style and picture ideas ;-) There are many cat's portraits, nature and beautiful mountains views. Everything is so nice and cozy.
@ganamiko and @Etherliana these Ladies mastered nature photography, especially close-ups. Their pictures are stunning! Flowers, leaves, bugs, slugs - all the best!
@katarzynan Kasia makes me hungry all of the time! Her snack pictures are totally awesome! She has her style, all pictures have "the atmosphere". Watching her photo album is a pleasure.
Keep up your great work, Girls!
GaaNamiko Thank you very much :) :*
Ian Prince Uploading a photo every day is already "talent". That said, a relative "newcomer" whos photographs I've really liked from the very start of her project, is @lana - our very own "Ukrainian in New York" tookapic.com/lana?sort=popular
Joanka Thank you so much :*
Krzysztof Baczyński There is one rule. If you do not like, do not comment, do not have ratings or followers. Only people who are strongly active can count on a large number of views. I am on takeapic over a year - almost two years. The topic has already been discussed. I doubted my ability to take interesting photos thanks to tookapic. And thanks to tookapic, I realized that we were taking photos to be proud of them. Without any expectations towards others ... Does something change? I was punished a few times for believing that the number of likes reflects the quality of the photo. Now, however, someone appreciated it. Thanks to @Gogi
Jest jedna zasada. Jeśli nie lubisz, nie komentujesz, nie masz ocen ani obserwujących. Tylko osoby które są mocno aktywne mogą liczyć na dużą ilość odsłon. Jestem na tookapic ponad rok - prawie dwa lata. Temat był już poruszany. Ja zwatpiłem w swoją umiejętność robienia ciekawych zdjęć właśnie dzięki tookapic. I dzięki tookapic uświadomiłem sobie że robimy zdjęcia aby być z nich dumni. Bez jakichkolwiek oczekiwań wobec innych...Czyżby coś się zmieniło? Byłem parę razy karcony za to że uważałem że ilość polubień odzwierciedla jakość zdjęcia. Teraz jednak ktoś to docenił. Dzięki @Gogi
vera And look at the photos of Iza... super portraits!!! tookapic.com/iza_garbarz
agnieszka bladzik @jacekszkiela check his portraits :D
agnieszka bladzik tookapic.com/aduchnicka?sort=r... great eye for everyday family life
Michael Gatton @jewels She has a beautiful natural b&w images mixed in with equally nice color. She is the only tokapic-er I've met in real life, and we had a nice cup of coffee when she visited NY. A lovely person.
anjin @Krystian for Absolutely amazing photo-art! Really awesome! tookapic.com/krystian7art
Magda Korzewska Since we have quite a lot of new tookapicers last months, what do you think to come back to this subject started some time ago? I would love to share with you great photographer tookapic.com/wida_ska Such an amazing photo journal!
Marta Same here! Pure pleasure to follow her project.
Ian Prince Indeed, a gem of a project that I I look forward to seeing every day. And makes me want to return to Iceland for a photo adventure!
Magda Korzewska same here, this time in winter to see northern lights
120mr Thanks you Magda for remind this talk! I would say: tookapic.com/perun44 because of the mood and cohesion of photos.
Magda Korzewska cool, I like post processing very much, thanks for sharing
wida_ska i just saw these comments and it really made my day, thank you!
Magda Korzewska you are fantastic photographer, this is great pleasure to follow your project. Stay here as long as possible.
wida_ska thank you Magda, it really means a lot to me! 🌞
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tania Great idea!! And Foggy’s profile is unique indeed.