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Tookapic will no longer be free to use. But that's good.

Tookapic was bootstrapped. I used my own savings to build it and keep it alive. There is no big investor behind this project. And that's good. Nobody tells me how tookapic should look or work. Nobody expects us to grow with 100K new users a week. Nobody will make me sell to a big company and leave my users with nothing.

That said... I've tried but it's now obvious that I can't provide the service for free, like Facebook, Google or Instagram does. I don't have millions of dollars to burn.

If you think about it - tookapic is just me and a talented developer hired part-time. And you of course. Few thousand of amazing people who meet online everyday to share their daily pic with the rest of this awesome community.

If tookapic is here to stay - it has to make money not only to support itself, but to also support the makers. Imagine you have a full-time job that nobody pays you for. That's exactly my case with tookapic. I can't do it any longer. Either tookapic dies or I will collapse, because it's simply physically exhausting.

And don't get me wrong, I absolutely love working on tookapic. It's a lot of fun. But fun is not a currency. I'd love to keep working on it full time and treat it as a real job - paid one.

There are a lot of ways to monetize Tookapic. Most of them are a bit sneaky and therefore - I don't want to execute them. The simplest and most fair way is to ask you - the community - for support.

Hold on, running tookapic can't be that expensive

That's where you're wrong. Let me just show you some estimate numbers. Time of people who work on tookapic (let's assume it's a real, paid full time job) is about $90.000 a year. Accounting costs $2.900 a year. Servers and third party apps that keep tookapic running is another $12.000/year. Domains, SSL certificates, lawyers is few thousands more.

That adds up to more than $100.000/ year. I can assure you, we never came even close to that.

That's why starting December 15th 2017 running your 365 on tookapic will require purchasing membership. Browsing, commenting and liking photos will remain free.

Why is that a good news?

There are many reasons this will only make things better. Here are few of them.

1. Tookapic will get better

Tookapic and the community focused around the idea of 365 projects is an amazing achievement. I want it to last as long as possible. Instead of worrying about how to pay that hosting bill - we'll focus on improving tookapic.

2. Mobile apps

Our apps need updates (iOS needs to be rewritten from scratch). The budget for that is being eaten by expenses like servers or accounting. Thanks to memberships, we'll be able to provide the best possible quality.

3. No ads

I don't want to put ads all over the place. It'll ruin the tookapic experience. Thanks to memberships - ads will not be needed anymore.

4. Motivation

Most of you don't know that but we've checked and it turned out that people who paid their Hero subscriptions have 11x better chance to finish 365 project than poeple who use tookapic for free.

5. Tookapic will stay here

This unique, one of a kind place will be here to stay and change lives of even more people. But it will only be possible with your help.

How much will it cost?

Monthly membership will cost $9. Annual membership will be $69.

What will I get with that?

Full tookapic experience including all the premium features (plugging in own domain, stats, premium templates, photos export - everything).

What if I'm a Hero already

First of all - thank you! You will be able to keep using tookapic. So if anyone wants to save some money - Hero subscriptions ($6/mo or $59/y) will only be available for another week.

I'll do our best to reward those of you who supported tookapic before today's announcement. Thanks to you I managed to keep tookapic alive for 3 years. I'll think of something special for Super Heroes as well (suggestions are welcome).

What if I don't pay?

Memberships will be implemented next week for every new user that signs up on tookapic. Those of you who are now using tookapic for free will get 30 days of "free trial". You won't be asked for payment until January 13th next year. Until then you will be able to use tookapic and all it's features.

If you, however, decide to leave us - you'll be able to export and download all your photos in full resolution.

After January 13th adding new photos will be blocked if no membership was purchased.

Wrapping up

Together, we created a place that delivers a lot of value for beginner photographers. It's a therapy for poeple who found themselves in a rough time in their lives. It's everyday meeting place for unique and wonderful people.

The only place like that available online. Let's keep it online. Together.

I tried to explain everything, but if you have any questions - feel free to ask in the comments. If you want to ask privately - you know my email address. You can also send me a private message on tookapic.

Have a great weekend!


tania Good.

jewels Well done Pawel!

Hanna Gawrychowska good - it was time for that

jokele Yes, well done Pawel! Let's keep it online.

Bartosz Palus Great idea! It probably will encourage more people to finish their projects. Can you publish some stats abut how many people started posting daily pics, and what % of them finished it? I am sure you have much more data that can be interesting for the community. It would awesome to see summary of 2017 in numbers

FlyteWizard I know this decision was hard for tookapic.

I'm glad the site can move forward.

Also, have you thought about having the site "open source" and have developers help out with bugs and features?

Nicolas Camenisch I'm happy to pay a small fee for such an amazing community!

Ian Prince I know how hard you’ve strived to make subscriptions only optional and I think those who have made the most of that can be especially grateful to you.

You’ve made this exceptional community possible ...with a half a million days shared coming up very soon. I totally support the changes necessary to make Tookapic financially viable and sustainable. I’m sure many more here feel the same. Here’s to the next half million days!

Rob Funny you posted this because I was driving home from work the other day (where I'm also a web designer) wondering how much your hosting/storage costs must be for all of the photos stored on tookapic's servers.

I just upgraded my Hero membership to superhero and honestly I don't even know what that gets me. Nor do I care. You obviously put in a lot of time and money, or at least sacrificing money you could be making elsewhere. I want to support the site as much as I can.

Keep up the great work. From a technical and design perspective, the site is outstanding. From a community perspective, it's that much better.

Anna I understand everything, but I can not afford to buy membership. It's good that I get this free month and I will be able to finish my project here. Unfortunately, I doubt that I will be able to start a new project with tookapic. It is sad that the world is ruled by money, but that's the way it is. :(
But I wish you all the best and hopefully things will get better ;)

craig Good news! Well done Pawel!

Michał I think it's a good strategic direction and I'm really glad tookapic is going to stay online. I bet it was a difficult decision, but also a very reasonable one.

NatZ That’s a good thing 😊

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Michał Być może masz rację. Ale ja traktuję tookapic jako swój serwer - za który w ten czy inny sposób i tak trzeba zapłacić. W bonusie jest świetna społeczność. A reklamy w tak wyspecjalizowanych serwisach nigdy się nie sprawdzą, za mały zasięg.

xyz Według mnie masz dużo racji. Tookapic jest mimo wszystko serwisem społecznościowym, który powinien utrzymywać się z dużej liczby aktywnych użytkowników. Opłaty które przestaną być dobrowolne a staną się konieczne zapewne spowodują nie tylko wykruszenie się wielu obecnych użytkowników, ale dodatkowo, w długofalowej perspektywie spowodują zmniejszoną liczbę nowych użytkowników.

Darek Antkowiak I have only one question. I'm watching debuts. There are very few of them at Tookapic. How paid accounts can help you expand your community with new people? After all, joining new people is the future. Are you not afraid that many people will leave, and you will stay in your own group the most active and liked? I'm just trying to understand.

Paweł Kadysz Of course many people will leave. The thing is - even if 75% leave, we're still better off this way. This is not a VC-funded-burning-million-dollar-an-hour company. Each and every single free user costs money. More free users (if you're not backed up by outside funding) means more trouble.

Take a look at this very simple chart:

And I mean all that purely from financial point of view. Of course it will not be a nice view seeing 75% of users leaving. But it's either that or goodbye to 100%.

Darek Antkowiak Ok, Paweł. I understand your point of view and financial aspect. But I asked how paid accounts are to encourage new ones? How will this help you expand the community? I keep my fingers crossed for you and the success of your project.

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Paweł Kadysz @Darek You're not seeing a lot of debuts because right now most are waiting for new year to start - which we'll obviously remind them to do. Visit debuts tab on Jaunary 1st ;)

There was no budget for marketing, so most of new users coming to tookapic were referred by their friends. Free users refer more free users. Paid users refer more paid users.

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Michał Digart, devianart itp. serwisy są jednak bardziej generyczne w porównaniu do założeń projektu 365. Siłą rzeczy mają więcej odsłon, a co za tym idzie pewnie i zyski z reklam. Duże kanały na YT też generują duże zyski, co nie znaczy że te mniejsze są mniej wartościowe.

A co do 500px to idą raczej w model płatny ;)

@Paweł nie raz podkreślał, że typowa "monetyzacja" tookapic to rozwiązanie ostateczne. A jako właściciel i twóraca serwisu ma pełne prawo do decydowania o tym na jakich zasadach będzie funkcjonował.

pgrab Digart...został sprzedany onetowi, dlatego tyle lat ciągnął. Deviantart to o wiele szerszy target. Designerzy, animatorzy, rysownicy, artyści z każdej dziedziny. Tu masz tylko foto.

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pgrab Konkursy wymagają nakładu finansowego. To jest takie błędne koło w tym momencie a krok w stronę płatności jest ostatnią szansą ratunku, tak mi się wydaje. Albo się dźwignie i będzie fundusz na promocję/konkursy, nowe funkcje - ogólny rozwój, albo przepadnie w czeluściach Internetu. Zobacz, jak długo Paweł utrzymywał to z własnej kieszeni licząc na to, że ludzie dostrzegą poświęcenie i zechcą wpłacić jakiś grosz. Mimo iż zapowiadał już, że jeżeli nie dobijemy do konkretnego etapu finansowego, to Tookapic padnie i miało się to zdarzyć już jakiś czas temu, serwis dalej wisi i dalej wcina kasę.

Viola Kuniej trochę się dziwię, bo jestem na Tooka od 3 lat i w życiu nie zapomniałam o serwisie, a już na pewno nie jestem tu dla jakichś konkursów i innych sposobów "rozruszania"... drętwo? promocja? motywację się ma w sobie, albo się jej nie ma, takie jest moje zdanie. i nie nudzę się tu ani chwili.

czarnyzwierz On one hand good, on the other... Well I'm a student, maybe it sounds like a joke to others, but 9$ a month makes a significant difference for me. I'm really sad that you made this announcement now, 27 days after I started my project.

Peter You should get funding, somehow, without selling your soul and invest it in the ads targeted at camera hobbyists, people who want to take their hobby to the next level and then offer them 30 day trail after which they will be hooked af and buy a 69$ yearly membership—which will also keep them hooked and then after a year streak offer them discounts to keep em hooked again. Now if they fail and break the streak offer them a bailout, an “in-app” purchase, get out of jail free card, so they can continue without a broken heart and in doing so they can continue their project, they help the community and they keep going, just like getting a speeding ticket... Duolingo and other startups are doing that and they are afloat, and I hope you will be too, cause this community is awesome. Now those are my thoughts and suggestions, I think you should do them to keep the ship afloat. Hope that helps, don’t give up man!! TL;DR get funding, spend it on ads, free 30 day trail (with a credit card required maybe?), in-app purchases, bailouts—would turn this community into a good, stable network. Just my few bucks ;)

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Michał Pewnie, internet jest ogromny - każdy znajdzie to, co mu odpowiada :)

Marcin K. Chyba jednak nie tak nagła... jakoś ze 100 zdjęć temu była o tym mowa, że może się coś zmienić.

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Viola Kuniej dokładnie, hosting za który płacę, a ludzie - bezcenni! :)

Paweł Kadysz @Darek Opłaty, które wprowadzamy dają dostęp do wszystkich funkcji serwisu, łącznie z tymi, które w tej chwili są dostępne jedynie dla użytkowników Hero. Nie będzie podziału na wersję podstawową i wersję premium. Wykupując abonament dostajesz dostęp do pełnego pakietu funkcji.

To o czym mówisz ma jak najbardziej sens. Core serwisu i jego największa wartość to założenia 365 i społeczność oraz wszystko to co dzięki tej społeczności się tutaj dzieje. Cała reszta to wartość dodana.

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Michał Tak, jak polubie kawiarnię, chciałbym do niej chodzić. Lubię oglądać filmy które już oglądałem jak i słuchać muzykę którą lubię :D

Jasne, tookapic nie jest jedynym miejscem gdzie można prowadzić projekt 365, ale jest najlepszym i tak jak Apple, daje jakieś poczucie amazingu. Akurat ten od Appla mnie nie przekonuje, ale ten od Pawła owszem.

Poza tym, jedno zdjęcie dziennie kosztuje tu $9/31 dni = $0.3 = 1 zł. Jeśli tylko zgadza się to w excelu u Pawła, to uważam że to uczciwa cena za dobrowolne umieszczanie zdjęcia.

Satoshi T I think that it was a tough decision. Now we can gift Hero to someone. After this, will we be able to gift membership to someone?

Lauren Huston I know how hard you fought to avoid this option but I think it will help us create an amazing community (more so!) of people who are dedicated to the site and their projects. And once it starts turning a profit, you deserve that for everything you've done for us.

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Paweł Kadysz Nic na siłę.

Michał No właśnie nic nie musi :) Od dajmy na to volvo tańszy w utrzymaniu jest fiat. Volvo nie przekona targetu fiata i odwrotnie. Akademicka dyskusja :) jak najlepszych fotek w jak najtańszym hostingu z jak najlepszą wartością dodaną życzę. Serio i bez złośliwości.

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agnieszka bladzik @creativemess duzo dobrych i waznych pytan moim zdaniem, tez obawiam sie ze ta garstka co placi i zostanie tez nie pokryje kosztow bez czegos extra

a lot of good questions raised. i'm also worried that the small amout of people that are paying will also not be enough to keep it going

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Magda Korzewska I have the same concern that number of project might decrease drastically and new comers will be limited. On the other hand less people lower cost for hosting. Other cost (manpower) will remain so this is the question how many subscribes are required to be on the "green" side. Definitely more marketing activity (not necessary cost consuming but time) is required to encourage people to join. I like very much how Instagram is updated on the daily basis. For Facebook I noticed some more activity one or two weeks ago but this is not as regular as Instagram. What I have noticed that potential "customer" when visiting are not able to see any photos. The only thing to be seen are 2 movies and information. I personally think this is not good approach, great photos we can see everyday might be great motivation for people. I have started project because I saw fantastic D. Vader/Paweł project at the which direct me to I watched other projects and pictures and got confidence this is place for me. After 6 weeks I decided to pay for premium not to have additional features but in beginning of Jan2016 a lot of projects started and I felt this is important to support the site. I keep my fingers crossed for this transformation. I hope many people say that 0,19USD per day it is good value for money.

Kazzi This place is worth every. Fu*king. Penny.

Ian Prince If I could star a comment, this is where I'd use it :)

Kazzi I saw that coming a long, long time ago. And I've already made peace with that decision. Hey, from all the users I interact with - 90% has that star next to their profile. It really is like a quarter per photo - and it might seem much, but I know it's worth it.

Gogi Golzman pawel that's a great decision.good luck!!!!

Kateli All sounds good to me ! Glad you've found a solution !!! Looking forward to 2018 on tookapic !!